2023 Santa Ride earns £28,184 For Zoe’s Place!

We would like to say a huge thank you to Brain Laverick and all of those who were part of organising and participating in last Novembers Boundary 500 Motorcycle ride – an event which sees hundreds of motorcyclists dress up as Santa and ride across the streets of Teesside.
Hundreds of onlookers pack the streets of Stockton, Middlesbrough, Redcar, Thornaby, and surrounding areas every November, in eager anticipation of the early festivities.

Recently, participants gathered to hand over a cheque for an incredible £28,184 – The total amount raised this time around.
Community and Events Fundraiser Rachael Bareham, who has overseen the event throughout her time at Zoe’s said: “We are extremely grateful to each and every rider for helping to raise this amazing amount of cash.”
“Even though it’s been going on for 18 years, I’m always just as grateful. It takes an immense effort from everyone involved.”
The event was originally set up in June of 2006 to help secure the future of the Great North Air Ambulance. However, organiser Brian also decided to get in touch with Zoe’s Place later that year – as he wanted to attribute some of the funds raised to our hospice as well.
Since then, the ride has come on leaps and bounds. Zoe’s Place alone has benefited to the tune of £405,184, and more and more people are joining the fleet every year – something which organiser Brian is immensely proud of.
He said: “What started out as a motorcycle event has now turned in to a regional extravaganza.”
“Last year, between 50 and 100 thousand people lined the 22 mile route. I am extremely proud of this event and the support I receive from everyone.”
“I have lost count of the amount of times that people have said to me, ‘the Boundary 500 is the start of Christmas for me’.”
In addition to annual donations, members have volunteered at a variety of our events, held tin collections, supported awareness campaigns, and participated in their individual fundraisers, so they are regarded as not only supporters, but as part of our hospice family.
The event also wouldn’t be possible without the continued efforts of Cleveland Police, Thornaby Town Centre (where the race begins), volunteers on route (who collect donations) and our local authorities, who ensure it runs as smoothly as it can.
All of the team here at Zoe’s are extremely proud to be affiliated with this magnificent event, and we know that these years will be just as amazing!
Keep an eye on our social media pages for further information.