

New Hospice

New Hope

New Home

For Zoe’s Place, Liverpool

We urgently need to raise £3.5 million to secure a future in Liverpool for our children and their families. With your donations and fundraising efforts, together we can build our new home in Liverpool.

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In 2025, an exciting journey within a new specialist home that will bring peace of mind to our families begins. 

Our hospice in Liverpool has been there for our children and their families on the same site within Liverpool for the last 29 years, but we now urgently need to raise an addition £3.5 million to fund our new, long-term home for our vital, specialist services within West Derby, Liverpool. It’s our aspiration to raise enough capital to ensure that our new hospice can facilitate our current services, providing the home away from home environment that our babies and families deserve.

Every single donation to our urgent appeal is an important step closer to our new home.  

Together, we can give hope to our children and their families. Together we can ensure a new, specialist hospice and home to be incredibly proud of. 

Thank you, 

Zoe’s Place Fundraising Team

Together we can take important steps towards our future in Liverpool.

Our hospice in Liverpool has been there for our children and their families on the same site for the last 29 years, but we now urgently need to find a new, long-term home for our vital, specialist services. It’s our aspiration to raise enough capital to ensure that our new hospice can facilitate our current services, providing the home away from home environment that our babies and families deserve; To do this, we need to raise and additional £3.5 million.

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So far we have raised over £1.2 million

Thank you to everyone who is helping to make a difference to the lives of local children and their families.

Please help us and share our appeal, together we can build our new home in Liverpool…

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Plans for our new hospice…

Designed by Mersey Design Group, the new Liverpool hospice will provide an environment created with the needs of its babies and their families at its heart.

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Could you support us?

Our appeal to raise £3.5 million for our new hospice will rely upon the support of incredible individuals and companies.

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Our hospice in Liverpool has been there for our children and their families for the last 29 years, here are some of their stories…

Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice is fundraising to secure a new home for our hospice in Liverpool. This may include buying, building, renovating and/or equipping a suitable building from which to deliver our services, in the future.  If we are unable to complete the project or if there are surplus funds any unspent money will be used to cover the day to day cost of providing care and support to babies and children being cared for by Zoe’s Place Trust.